Let‘s keep our data alive! Enhancing collaboration between the BnF and the research communities

Donnerstag, 12. September 2024
18:15 - 19:30 Uhr
Veranstaltungsreihe «Aus der digitalen Werkstatt»
Abendvortrag von Louise-Anne Charles (BnF, National Library of France) im Rahmen der Summer School «Digitale Methoden der Zeitungsanalyse»
15 million records in the catalog, 10 million digital documents in Gallica, 48 billion URLs in the web archives... How can we facilitate access to the digital collections of the National Library of France (BnF)?
Completing the existing offer of BnF’s research support, the BnF DataLab was designed as a lab to be in close partnership with research communities to foster collaboration and innovation. Not only does it help research projects, but it also serves as an interface for researchers and BnF professionals to contribute together to future tools.
In this presentation, you will discover the richness of the digital collections and how the BnF DataLab can help you take advantage of them and the existing datasets and tools. It will also be an opportunity to reflect on the conditions of success and the future projects of the lab.
Louise-Anne Charles is a librarian at the National Library of France and is in charge of organizing research support services for the BnF DataLab researchers. She graduated from the French National Library and Information Science School.
Link zum Livestream über Zoom: https://t.zbzuerich.ch/686
Sprache: Englisch
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