Fitting it all in: Space requirements and the design of libraries

Tuesday, 05. October 2021
18:15 o'clock
Lecture by Toby Kirtley (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
Just how do you set about designing a library? What should you allow for, what goes where and how do you fit it all in? Libraries evolve in response to new ways of accessing information and the changing needs of readers, and the process of designing a physical library therefore begins with understanding how library services should be organised and delivered. Using examples from the Bodleian Libraries extensive programme of development, Toby Kirtley will give an insight into the planning and design processes involved in major construction and refurbishment projects.
The Weston Library is the University of Oxford’s special collections library. The centre piece of a €140m programme of capital projects, it has been created as a 21st century state-of-the-art library facility inside a 1930s, Grade II Listed Building. This has presented particular challenges around library space planning, conservation and heritage, and engineering.
The Gladstone Link is an early 20th century subterranean ‘closed stack’ below the iconic Radcliffe Camera that has been opened up to allow readers greater access to the collections and to provide comfortable contemporary study spaces.
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Vorlesungsreihe «Bücher, Daten, Räume. Die Hochschulbibliothek im 21. Jahrhundert»
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