PhD theses and habilitations from UZH
We collect and archive PhD theses and habilitations from all faculties from the University of Zurich ( (Faculty of Philosophy only habilitations)
Research and borrowing
Swisscovery is available for targeted searches for dissertations, postdoctoral theses and master's theses from the University of Zurich. We have been collecting and archiving dissertations and postdoctoral theses from the University of Zurich since the first dissertation in 1833. Until 2019, the Zentralbibliothek also collected licentiate and master's theses from the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology. These are only lent out to the reading room of the Zentralbibliothek and the most recent five volumes can only be consulted with the written consent of the author. Use this form to request consent.
Delivery to the Zentralbibliothek Zürich
The Zentralbibliothek Zürich accepts approved PhD theses and habilitations. Please note the Instructions for the required deposit copies of PhD Theses and Habilitations. Your work will be listed in the library catalogue once it has received final approval from the University of Zurich.
You can bring your mandatory copies in person and hand them over to Department Acquisition and data management at the infodesk (opening hours: Mon–Fri, 8 am–8 pm) or send them by post to:
Zentralbibliothek Zürich
Erwerbung und Datenmanagement
Hochschulschriften UZH
Zähringerplatz 6
8001 Zürich
In both cases, please give us your current email address.
We do not accept master’s theses. These should be submitted direct to the relevant dean’s office in accordance with the deadlines and requirements laid down by the faculties.