Using e-media
Are you interested in using electronic media? We’ll help you find your way through the e-media jungle.
Lean Library – the new downloadable plug-in
If you are working at home and need to access an article or e-book, Lean Library now allows you to do it directly via a Google search!
UZH-ZB Online – our service for university members and public users
We acquire digital media such as e-books, e-journals, e-papers and databases. You can filter our e-media in the catalogue. In the catalogue, click on “Online” in the facets to the left. Select “UZH und ZB Zürich”.
You can use all e-media on the public computers in the reading room of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. University of Zurich members can consult them from outside the library via VPN.
The use of electronic resources or parts thereof in combination with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is in many cases prohibited by license agreement. If you are planning to use AI in this way, you must contact us in advance to clarify the relevant terms and conditions.
PURA / SLSKey – our service for public users (private individuals) working at home
Users who are not studying or working at the University of Zurich may wish to use our special e-media service for private individuals.
You can find an overview of the products available with PURA / SLSKey here. Please note the information about the registration process under “More details” before you open the product.
How it works
- To use PURA / SLSKey, you need a library account. If you have not registered yet, create a swisscovery account here.
- Terms of use: when registering for PURA / SLSKey, you accept the General Terms and Conditions.
- Come to the counter or we will be happy to activate your access for you digitally. Simply e-mail a scan or photo of your ID card / official identification document to kundenservice@zb.uzh.ch. You will need to renew your access after one year.
You can find details of the services offered by the ZHdK Media and Information Centre MIZ on its website.
e-Thek – our online loan service
e-Thek is a service offered by the Zentralbibliothek Zürich and various media libraries of upper secondary schools and vocational colleges in German-speaking Switzerland. It allows you to borrow e-media – e-books, e-audios and e-papers – from home, free of charge and round the clock as online loans that you can download to your own PC, e-book reader or mobile device and use for the entirety of the loan period specified. For access see above under “PURA / SLSKey”. Please address questions to kundenservice@zb.uzh.ch.
National licences: the electronic service for users in Switzerland
E-media that are subject to a national licence can be accessed by anyone resident in Switzerland, regardless of whether or not they are a university member. We license complete and frequently used periodicals archives. More recent content is incorporated into the national licence with a time delay. Information on how to register and the content of the offering is available from the Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries.
If you need assistance, we are happy to help.