The project to redevelop University Library Zurich (UB) has involved intensive collaboration with Zentralbibliothek Zürich (ZB). This close cooperation between the two organisations arose out of their joint responsibility for meeting all the library-related needs of the University of Zurich (UZH) and has now been put on a shared strategic footing. The joint strategy for the period 2024 to 2027 applies to the entire UB/ZB system. This means it covers our functions as both a university library and a cantonal and city library.


We ensure long-term, reliable, user-friendly and largely cost-free access to information in all suitable formats for both academia and the public. The development, provision and long-term maintenance of our broad array of analogue and digital media, and of our unique special collections, are all essential elements of our range of services for researchers, teachers, students and the public at large.

Shaping the future

The digital transformation and the associated continual change to our working procedures are challenges that we are purposely meeting head-on. Our strong innovative capability means we are not merely incorporating relevant developments but actively helping to shape the library sector and use of technology. Our services are state-of-the-art and always relevant to our target groups. We undergo constant training in order to be able to meet the ever-evolving demands of everyday life. As leading actors in the library sector we are sought-after experts and collaborators for institutions both within Switzerland and abroad.

A joint impact

As institutions subject to different governance structures, UB and ZB are intensifying and consolidating their collaboration on a long-term and sustainable basis. To enable an effective partnership, we will optimise our financial and human resources, and ensure our operations and management are closely integrated. By combining our strengths we form a powerful duo that is respected at home and abroad. To our target groups we are a library that embodies openness, innovation and excellence.


In December 2023, the Library Board of the University Library and the Library Commission of the Zentralbibliothek approved the joint strategy for the period 2024 to 2027. This applies across both organisations and relates to our functions as both a university library and a cantonal and city library.

In addition to our joint mission statement (including mission, vision, values and success factors), the strategy includes five priorities that will guide the two organisations in the coming years.

  • We support open science
  • We connect society and science
  • We promote digital skills
  • We rethink spaces
  • We develop our staff and structures

Here you can download the Joint Strategy for the UB and the ZB Zürich (PDF) (in German).