Die Zentralbibliothek unterstützt mit den Willy-Bretscher-Fellowships digitale Projekte, die sich mit Beständen der ZB aus dem 20. Jahrhundert auseinandersetzen.
Das Stipendium wird jeweils im Sommer des Vorjahres ausgeschrieben.
Second call for fellowship applications 2023/24:
Rhea Rieben: Digital storytelling with Fritz Platten (duration: 1 August 2023 – 31 March 2024)
Public history’s core task lies in interpreting and sharing history to reach an interested audience. The potential offered by digital dissemination has also been a topic of discussion in this field for several years. Willy Bretscher Fellow Rhea Rieben’s research project explores forms of digital storytelling, investigating the opportunities that digital tools provide for telling tales from the past in multimedia formats. Her project sees her reflect on how digital tools are changing the linearity of historical storytelling and on how digital stories can be successfully shared with the public. In her work, she focuses on the Swiss communist Fritz Platten (1883–1942), whose traces are to be found in the Zentralbibliothek Zürich’s archive (estate of Franz Dübi-Bernasconi) and whom she also researched for her dissertation.